Setting up Bank Accounts with Asperato

Depending on the version of Asperato ONE you are using, you can use either Asperato customer IDs or Asperato merchant groups to direct payments collected through Asperato into one or more bank accounts.

If You Are Using Asperato ONE V2.10 or V2.11

If you are using Asperato ONE V2.10 or V2.11, then you must assign each receivables bank account an Asperato customer ID if you want to direct payments collected through Asperato into more than one bank account. By default, only one Asperato customer ID is created for each installation of Asperato ONE. To request additional customer IDs, contact the Asperato Onboarding team.

Assigning your Asperato customer ID to a bank account ensures that:


If an Asperato customer ID is not assigned to a bank account, the payment will be collected into the bank account associated with the default Asperato customer ID. For more information, contact the Asperato Onboarding team.

Assigning an Asperato Customer ID or Merchant Group to a Bank Account

To manually assign an Asperato customer ID or merchant group to a bank account:

  1. Click the Bank Accounts tab to display the Bank Accounts homepage.
  2. Locate the bank account you want to manually assign an Asperato customer ID or merchant group for.
  3. Enter the Asperato customer ID for your org in the Asperato Customer ID field, or enter the Asperato merchant group for your org in the Asperato Merchant Group field.
  4. Click Save.

If You Are Using Asperato ONE V2.14 or Later

We recommend that you use merchant groups to direct payments collected through Asperato into more than one bank account. By default, a single merchant group is created for each customer installation of Asperato ONE.

If you are using Asperato ONE v2.14, then the Asperato customer ID does not direct payments into a bank account. However, the ID is retained for reference on each bank account in your org.